Tuesday, August 31, 2010

"Friendly fire is a funny term, like Civil War"

I have done something that I never thought I would ever EVER do and now I feel awful about it. On top of that I think I am losing friends over it. When will I learn what real friends are? The person I feel like I am in 'love' with and always have been, is with someone else. I am tired of life shitting on me, this is when I get that urge o move away and start over. Seattle will have to do for me.

I am back to square 1.

It's me, and only me. Back into my dark hole I go.


  1. :( I'll come see you and make it better. I'll always be your friend.

  2. I love you friend. keep the spirits on high.

  3. Oh lovey, don't be sad =-( You are doing bigger and better things plus you start school soon! You should be so proud of yourself! Miss you!

  4. What do I have to complain about??? I have such great friends =]

  5. You are a really cool person, Jessica. I remember when at one of the restaurant's yearly picnics, I was going home and you were walking towards me. I guess you should not complain of having good people thinking of you. Take care
